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How to Maximize the Success of Board Portals

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Board portals allow team members to access vital information and carry out their duties on any web-enabled mobile device. This level of accessibility facilitates smooth communication and increased engagement. Board management software is becoming increasingly crucial to good governance with boards of directors being required to meet more often and deal with more information than ever before. This has led to a shift away from manual processes, outdated products, and toward modern and robust solutions for portals for boards that handle meeting-related workflows assist board members in their preparation and organize important documents.


To maximize the success of your board portal, you need to develop and implement a comprehensive training plan. Create a list of every board member and calculate their tech skill level (tech proficient or average). Using this data, reach out to your technology-challenged board members and schedule individual remote training sessions with your board portal vendor in advance of the board-wide rollout. These sessions will ensure all board members are equipped with the tools required to use the portal effectively and efficiently.

Modern board portals can also simplify the process of preparing meetings by facilitating agenda management and meeting minutes management. Board meetings can be automatically scheduled by synchronising the calendars of all members. Attendance can be easily tracked. A single click can convert agenda items into draft minutes which are then circulated to be ratified. In addition, board members can work between meetings by adding and completing tasks within the portal.

board portals comparison

Post Date: Sunday 30th, June 2024 / 00:00 Oleh :
Kategori : Kesehatan